Rugged and durable — made of wrought iron, powder coated — 3 round baskets — can accommodate various small planters — (only wheel decoration, no rolling) — no flowers — minimum assembly required — size about 32.28 inches long x 9.45 inches wide x 20.07 inches high
Fashion decoration — whimsical Parisian style tricycle with roller details — add a playful touch to any space — charming focal point for courtyards, homes, gardens — attractive focal points for keeping plants away from the floor/ground
Indoor / Outdoor — Place the indoors in the entrance, living room, sunny windows, stairs, screened terrace — Outdoor: porch, cactus garden, swimming pool area, balcony, roof, terrace, flower shop
Presents that are ideal for families and gardening enthusiasts - Perfect for occasions like Mother's Day, birthdays, and housewarming celebrations - Stunning adornments for outdoor gatherings or garden events.
Three-wheeled plant stand — exquisite display of plants, flowers and garden decorations on the decorative tricycle stand,has 3 circular basket-like layers to keep growers safe and stylish